International User Experience Design Conference

International User Experience Design conference & Workshops. 27 and 28th of September 2012 at ISB (International School of Business), Hyderabad - India. UXINDIA is primarily aimed at UX professionals with job titles include: UX Manager, Product Manager, Information Architect, Usability Consultant, Interaction Designer, User Experience Designer, Visual Designer, Program Manager.


The complexity of our world is increasing and in order to survive, businesses have to learn how to operate in changing, complex eco-systems. Strategic design thinking is going to be the the key driver for businesses to think differently and create better, qualified ideas and directions for sustainable growth and competitive advantage. We are already experiencing businesses shift their focus from product centric to consumer/user centric view of the world.

UMO celebrates ‘Strategic Design Leadership’ in the form of a two day annual event UX India 2012 . UX India welcome students and professionals of all domain to be part of this two day immersive experience that brings innovators and practitioners from across the world. UX India aims to showcase strategic design thinking that’s transforming how services and products are designed and consumed across the world. The emphasis is going to be around how strategic design thinking is influencing the socio economic fabric of India across various areas.

Colleges and universities are also encouraged to subscribe their students for this immersive experience and drive design thought leadership from the early stage on.

2012 - 07.21.
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