
UMO'11 Winners say  


UMO'11 Boycott Bad Design Contest

UMO’11 Boycott Bad Design Contest, Hyderabad

UMO’11 Boycott Bad Design Contest
Best Entry
Name : Swathik Addala
Country : India

Comment : Many Thanks to UMO - Firstly for the honest effort for creating a platform for design awareness in the form of competition which will keep up the levels of enthusiasm and will also instigate minds to think in design perspective and aid for betterment. Secondly, for selecting my entry as one among the top six.

UsabilityMatters.org, Hyderabad

UMO’11 Boycott Bad Design Contest, Hyderabad

UMO’11 Boycott Bad Design Contest
Popular Entry
Name : L.Venkat
Country : India

Comment : I feel so glad that my design is one among top four selected designs. This is the first time i am into UMO. There are many basic things among our surroundings which are considered as small things but making complicated issues.UMO is one organisation which helps for the people to know about bad designs that are involved in our day to day life.!

UsabilityMatters.org, Hyderabad

UMO’11 Boycott Bad Design Contest, Hyderabad

UMO’11 Boycott Bad Design Contest
Best Entry
Name : Mohit Gupta
Country : India

Comment : It was my immense pleasure of getting a chance to attend the conference TEACHEASE`11 organised by UsabilityMatters.Org in IIIT Hyderabad. It provided deep insights about designing and exploring new domains with a better user experience. UMO Boycott Bad Design Competition aims directly at the identification of bad design existing in our real world which not only generates an awareness among us for better design but also provides us the sensitivity towards the products in our surroundings. It is indeed a platform for encouraging young budding designers. Again, thanks a lot UMO for recognizing the designer in me.

UsabilityMatters.org, Hyderabad

UMO’11 Boycott Bad Design Contest, Hyderabad

UMO’11 Boycott Bad Design Contest
Best Entry
Name : Prasad Khasnis
Country : India

Comment : It has been a great experience to be a part of the conference and would urge every individual to attend to polish their knowledge on design and innovation. Thanks to the organizers for holding a great event.

UsabilityMatters.org, Hyderabad

 ≡  Next Cartoon by Jaime Huerta, Chile »

2011 - 11.15.
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TAFE on 26-01-’12 04:12 said:
Good for you! Akin to the Razzies. By the way how come we never win any Razzie?

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« Jaime Huerta, Chile

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