Railway Platforms

Vijaya saradh, Hyderabad

Despite the technological growth happening, some hard facts arenot being attended.
We see the GAP between the compartments and the platform which is very risky for passengers."

One always tends to slip in and fall off into the gap.The thought of it makes you panic
2006 - 11.08.
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vijaymani on 15-11-’06 16:44 said:
this image shows the great threat perception that passengers face.
Let there be a solution

nani on 15-11-’06 21:27 said:
yes,it is risky to get down from trains any where if there is a gap
between train and the platform.I wish let there be a solution.
Shirisha on 15-11-’06 22:07 said:
This is a very good image to show the danger while boarding/getting out of a train. Hope there will be a solution for this.:-)
madhu on 16-11-’06 11:25 said:
yes, by this gap so many passengers lost their lives. So many lost their Body parts. I wish to change this.
Sanjeev Sriram on 17-11-’06 12:27 said:
I wish to change this bad design. Its not only a bad design and its matter of passengers lives.

---Sanjeev Sriram
Gopala Krishna on 17-11-’06 13:09 said:
There is a thing in all of us, that is "compromise", if we dont compromise for small things also then these kind of things will not come. Good. Lets see this to be solved.
dharma on 18-11-’06 13:27 said:
Tha GAP is dangerous
Ajay kumar on 18-11-’06 13:30 said:
Yes..it is true..Many people have lost their lives and many became disabled..Hope the authorities see the risk factor in it.

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