Shampoo Sachet

Shauraya Rawat, IISc, Bangalore

Shampoo sachets cannot be easily opened with wet hands.

It is difficult to open shampoo sachets with wet hands. Provision of a notch doesn’t help much as hands tend to slip due to plastic material of the sachet.

2005 - 11.02.
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Rajarajan on 25-11-’05 11:57 said:
Nice one. Very few companies give a grip to hold and tear at one corner. Good one.
G.S.MADHAV on 27-06-’06 14:37 said:
People are not so ready to accept the changes.
* Shampoo sachet*
Parachute company tried to rectify the problem but people did not accept.
tatvi on 14-07-’06 01:47 said:
Many companies slightly tear/cut the sachet at a corner. So, it would be easy to tear it along even with wet hands.
krishna on 04-07-’10 07:18 said:
we require sachets of different size
in bulk quantity. (like shampoo sachet)
kindly send your quotation and requirements at your earliest


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