Tip of Adhesive Tape for Tearing

Shibika Choudhary , IITKanpur

Adhesive tape rolls tends to stick back on the roll after use, if not mounted on a tape dispenser properly. Each time one has to search its end.

The material, appearance and holder add up to loosing of the open tip of the adhesive tape while using. To use the adhesive tape again one has to search for its end.

Person needs to scratch and pull the tape to use it once more. Thinner the tape, higher the difficulty and annoyance caused. There should be some means to track the end with the tape itself.

2005 - 11.02.
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rajeev on 03-11-’05 13:37 said:
all cello tape rolls are supposed to be mounted on its standard stand, not to be used without them, without the cutter stand obviously one will have this difficulty.
GR on 04-11-’05 08:31 said:
Heard of something called tape dispenser???
Designer on 24-11-’05 00:38 said:
smart comments by GR and rajeev, its not supposed to be used without the dispenser, but the fact is, the tape is used without the dispenser most of the times!. And this makes it a badly designed product, coz a good design should facilitate right usage....
I wonder why cynicism rulez instead of analysis....is this the design community of India???
mehar on 27-06-’06 11:31 said:
One small doubt ... is the tape first or its standrad stand first
Murali Krishna Reddy on 28-06-’06 17:01 said:
Tape dispenser is the only solution found to address the said problem & also this problem can not be arrested due to it's nature.
M Krishna Doss on 30-10-’06 16:55 said:
There is a solution to this. Check out my blog at http://krishnadoss.spaces.live.com/
wholesale on 07-12-’06 08:27 said:
Cool!adhesive tape
abhishek on 30-10-’07 05:21 said:
actually a really daily use problem.. how often u end up cuttin the tape with a cutter or walk arnd with a cutter..leave alone the dispenser..once tape s gone..u ll never replace nother one there..
but is there ny idea smone wud cm up with..?
paul snadip on 06-05-’08 01:59 said:
Check out my tapeWORM!
Radhakrishna on 05-01-’09 12:33 said:
Hi, instead of buying a tape dispenser, one can just fold the end of the tape after it usage. What i do is simple. I just fold the end inside or tear a piece of a paper (very small piece) and stick it at the end. During the next usage, i don't bother to cut and reuse the same piece (half a CM).
Hope, this would help guys who really close doors of possibilities saying "...is the only solution or.... not supposed to .....etc.,"

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