Wire of Pressing Iron

Reshma Parveen, NID, Ahmedabad,India

It is very inconvenient to lift up the iron and place iron at its base as the wire always hinders. Hence the iron keeps falling down and may end up burning clothes if not noticed immediately.

While ironing clothes, the wire keeps on coming in the way and makes it difficult to keep the iron on its base, and there are chances that the wire may burn up.  Also there is a little stress at the joint connecting wire and iron which pulls down the iron while one is attempting to make it stand vertically. One faces this problem many times. Hence the wire should be connected in such a way that it does not hinder the work.

2005 - 11.02.
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G.R on 04-11-’05 08:25 said:
Getting a back pach will help. Put the hot iron into your back pack everytime you are not ironing. Also carry a small tube of burnol.
P.B.G.S.N.Murthy on 26-06-’06 15:29 said:
This is a very quite often facing problem, but we never think about alternative. Wonderful observation , good solution will clear the problem.
tatvi on 14-07-’06 02:13 said:
Well, the other alternative would be to have the wire on the sides or on the top. If we have the wire dangling on the sides, it is not possible to use it from any side of the ironing table or by the left or right handed people. So, the next possiblity is on top where it could get tangled to your hand and could cause more problems. The only place left is at the bottom which we have now. To solve your problem, we need to modify the iron table not the iron box. We could have a rack or slot attached to the iron board to keep the iron box safely. ( A frame /grove to put the box with the heatring surface facing down in the open air beneath the table) could slove your problem.

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