Moisture On Mirror

Sangeeta Balasubramani, Pune, India

The mirror tends to get moist in rainy season.
Bad Designs
The windshield of the car becomes heavily moist and has to be cleaned with a cloth time and again to get a clear view.Even after using the wiper to repel the rain off the windshield, the position at the side of the windshield and the side window next to the driving seat retains water unable to see moving traffic from sideways.The reflection mirror is full of water drops unable to serve its purpose.
Bad Designs
2008 - 12.01.
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Melanie on 11-12-’08 09:48 said:
You can use the defogger function of your car to solve this problem easily.
santosh on 22-12-’08 12:46 said:
I think in India, we don't have defogger function in the mid and small cars.

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