
Ahmet Öztürklevent ,Turkey  


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2006 - 11.09.
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0 rating from 0 votes

kubi on 16-11-’06 14:28 said:
biran on 16-11-’06 16:15 said:
excellent cartoon
uygar on 17-11-’06 00:17 said:
excellent .If you don't understand the irony you have to think twice ;)
Idea is excellent.
nursel on 17-11-’06 00:44 said:
Out of the common.. It all depends on how you look at this cartoon;)
nursel on 17-11-’06 01:19 said:
excellent :)
salih on 17-11-’06 05:35 said:
ufuk on 17-11-’06 06:00 said:
tek kelimeyle süper. very good
PixelMadeWonders on 17-11-’06 12:34 said:
I love it!
ayşe on 17-11-’06 14:44 said:
niranjansha.mumbai on 17-11-’06 15:52 said:
ur cartoon is excellent.but judgement anounced to favour of
u m o organisation.this contest is fully for earning money.
BRN on 18-11-’06 04:21 said:
reyhan on 18-11-’06 04:31 said:
my number one...
Rui Santos on 24-09-’07 01:38 said:
How can i get the contact of the artist? Ahmet Öztürklevent

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