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2006 - 11.09.
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SUMEET on 17-11-’06 16:32 said:
Utpal on 17-11-’06 20:06 said:
very good approach....go ahead bhai
prashant madawi on 17-11-’06 22:32 said:
really nice
this cartoon shows reality in comic way
great work. :-P
anuj on 17-11-’06 23:24 said:
now this is simply outstanding ... how do u thing like dis way ??? .. pls Mr bhalavi do tell me .. i hve become ur fan now.
mangesh on 18-11-’06 11:14 said:
ompraksh on 18-11-’06 13:35 said:
how can u imagine such a unique pics.......
eenu on 18-11-’06 23:05 said:
sachin on 20-11-’06 09:44 said:
it nice cartoon in this compitition
rajendra shingade on 20-11-’06 22:47 said:
abhishek on 21-11-’06 15:17 said:
way to go bro
need to put this on air to show all the telecom firms

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