Window Position for People Standing in Bus

S. Shravani Gupta, SVCA, Hyderabad

Window position is improper when we consider people standing in bus who need to bend down again and again to catch the glimpse of approaching bus stop.

In most of the buses the windows are designed in such a way that it is not possible for a person who is standing to look outside though they are fine for people seated.

Person who wants to get down has to keep on leaning forward and backward to see what the next stop is. Also even when the bus is crowded this task becomes really difficult.

Windows should be placed such that the view is clear for all passengers in the bus either seated or standing.

2005 - 11.02.
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RJ on 12-11-’05 16:00 said:
What an idiotic problem..! People should not be allowed to stand in passenger buses in the first place!! Make one big mistake, and then make two more to rectify it, and still wonder what went wrong. This entry should be scrapped!
Designer on 24-11-’05 00:45 said:
I'm yet to see a city-transport bus where the standing is banned completely....and please excuse if I've not visited the mega-city RJ is from, because whereever I see, in all major cities around the world, there IS standing allowed in city transport buses....because people travel for short distances in short durations, and standing is not a compulsion but a voluntary decision.....
the windows should facilitate better viewing of outside
Rajarajan on 25-11-’05 12:00 said:
I agree with the problem. All metros and even small towns have few buses plying in peak times and this is a key problem. The top portion above the window can be made transparent to allow people to see outside. and the window frame could be so designed to avoid hindering the viewpoint for standing passengers. Good one!
pawan on 30-11-’05 09:17 said:
shravani..well said but mere showing up the problem does not solve it should have designed something with ur own imagination..for being a part of the creative would have been a better approach..
agni on 01-12-’05 03:41 said:
pawan.....have you any specific suggestion on design and creative solution, please send it to the admin....or give a link that displays the same.....
the competition was not about creativity, but for identification, we all need solutions, please give examples on how to be part of the creative arena
(more pawan will only make it stronger) :)
matteo on 06-12-’05 01:30 said:
is a good problem...compliments.
ch.rama krishna on 25-06-’06 12:03 said:
I too faced same problem of seeing through window when standing. It should be modified
sarathi on 26-06-’06 16:55 said:
good catch.
Sanjeev.M on 27-06-’06 17:12 said:
Nice problem.But what of the solution?
simple solution.....It is not mandatory to keep the window to the level of the person seating!! we can solve this to little extent by placing the window opening to little more height!!!

K CHANDRASEKHAR on 04-07-’06 22:20 said:
stephen h on 18-10-’06 11:22 said:
Nice one. In indonesia, there's more problem, the only side of window that could be open is the one beside the seated passengers. The upper side of the window is full of glass and cannot be opened. Usually, the seated passenger is reluctant to open the window beside them widely (too windy), especially when rain falls. Result? The standing passengers cannot breath fresh air when it's very crowd.
stephen h on 18-10-’06 11:24 said:
and the solution is..... SUNROOF....

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