UMO-4th International Cartoon Contest'08

UMO-4th International Cartoon Contest'08

Announcement for the UMO – 4th International Cartoon contest, here is the summary, the details follow...

  • Open to everybody
  • 5 entries per participant
  • No entry fee
  • Awards worth Rs 60,000/-
  • Deadline: November 10th, 2008

The UMO - International Cartoon Contest is held by UsabilityMatters.Org towards the World Usability Day. All the awarded and qualified cartoons will be exhibited on 28th November 2008.

Participation is open to all cartoonists from every country in the world. There is no Entry fee.

Please go through the rules and regulations – and in particular – the conditions applicable to the intellectual property rights.

Theme for the Competition

The wheel rolls on

Brief: How long can our planet feed in to all our living needs? We have been thanklessly exploiting the mother of all resources for such mundane acts as driving to a shop just around the corner to buy groceries instead of helping ourselves with a short walk.

With so much exploitation already done in digging and boring our planet (the wheel of our survival) for its energy resources, we have punctured our own prospects of continuing the journey of human kind as long as possible.

Its time to think of alternative energy sources, efficient means to control fuel usage, rethink transportation be it by road, by air, by water or into space to conserve energy. Reduce pollution and other ill effects of transportation. It’s also time to think about efficient ways to optimize the usage of personal vehicles, by taking car/bike holidays, by encouraging mass transportation systems and by bicycling to as many needs as possible.

All in all its time to think, live and practice greener ways of leading life on the run. We invite cartoons which humorously communicate the seriousness of the theme, by rethinking transportation and thinking green.

Awards and Acknowledgements

A jury will select the top 6 winning entries, the cartoonists will be granted a cash prize award of

  • First prize Rs.25,000/- (Rs. Twenty five thousand only)
  • Two second prizes of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten thousand only) each and
  • Three Third prizes Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) each
  • Five Special mention awards

An exhibition of the winning and short listed entries will be held and UMO will publish an exhaustive works report.

The jury and the judgment criteria

We are in process of putting a jury of well-known professionals and socially active personalities. The names will be announced in due course, depending on confirmation. For Judgment jury will use criteria such as creativity, humor, visual communication, presentation, persuasiveness, originality, cleverness, relevance of content and execution to identify the winner.

Deadline for Submission

Cartoons will be accepted through November 10th, 2008

Rules and Regulations

Entries : up to 5 cartoons per person
Size (snail mail) : A4 (210 X 297 mm ) or A3 (297X410)
Size (digital) : 300dpi and in dimensions that are suitable for printing
Technique : free
Entries in hard-copy/paper will not be returned. Entries in digital format may need to be re-posted if the resolution is not found good for printing.

Exhibition and Prize distribution

On November 28th, 2008

Submitting your entries

Mail your cartoons keeping the competition name in subject line to If you are sending through the snail mail, use the following address:

UMO- 4th International Cartoon Contest-2008,
202, Rahul Apts,
480-Phase 6, JNTU Road,
Besides Universal Bakery
Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072, India
ph: +91-9848861432

Please mention a little background information about yourself that may help identify you with your work and the email id that will help us get back to you with any communication.

Intellectual property rights

UMO may, in its sole discretion to use the art-work (images, photograph, written content) for any purpose, change, alter, amend, add to, delete from and otherwise modify, including but not limited to, any and all cuts, edits, rearrangements and other alterations, additions and deletions.

The responsibility for authenticity of all the submitted content, including the including the art-work and the personal information rests solely with the provider, and UMO will assume no role in case of litigations and copied works. The involved parties shall have to settle the matter themselves, within the conditions the original work was published/released.

We respect your privacy and will not be giving out, or sharing your personal information with any third party, for commercial or non-commercial use.

2008 - 09.15.
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padmaraj on 17-11-’08 10:16 said:
Hi, can you please provide the list of participation.Just i can conform the arrival of my cartoons. thanks!!
Participant on 18-11-’08 02:14 said:
Hi, can you please provide the list of participation.Just i can conform the arrival of my cartoons. thanks!!
Jayadev on 04-12-’08 21:58 said:
Zoom feature is suggested

On clicking any cartoon from the preview list, it should be
shown in zoom mode (both small size and full page size).
They are not best viewed in the present size.

Thank you
durga on 04-12-’08 23:03 said:
very exciting design submissions made it very rich `n interesting..really amazing responce from all around the world...great, keep it Up!

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