The Bad-Designs Showcase

This is where you'll find the biggest collection of Bad Design examples from daily life!!!

The Bad Designs were collected over the years from the user submitted entries for the World Usability Day Contests under the name "Boycott Bad Designs".

umo'06 volunteers

Volunteer List : WUD'06

An event is as successful as the enthusiasm of the Team behind it. We thank all the volunteers for their suggestions and expressing their interest to be part of the World Usability Day 2006 event organized by UMO.

We will soon have a gathering to further consolidate the activities, responsibilities and to align our efforts towards a successful World Usability Day 2006 at hyderabad.

Keep checking this list for updates.

2006 - 10.05.

UMO-2nd Boycott Bad-Design Contest'’06

UMO-2nd Boycott Bad-Design Contest'’06

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The contest is closed now!

Click here to see the Gallery

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2006 - 09.16.

Volunteer Benefits

Change is the only constant. We seriously believe in this. We strive to bring a change in our society in our own way. Be a part of the UMO change movement. If you are reading this, You are at the right place. Register at UMO as a volunteer to take this movement forward. Our volunteers are from different educational backgrounds and from various field of work, different countries who come together to work for a great cause.   read more...

2006 - 09.13.

CSIM-Hyderabad is organizing a full day Creativity Workshop for Project leaders, Project managers, Account managers servicing the clients and other corporate personnel.

The workshop will be conducted by Hari Parameswaran of Dynam Designs, on August 18, 2006 at Tureeya Grand, Hyderabad.

2006 - 08.10.

Dr. Dinesh Katre

Dr. Dinesh Katre was in Hyderabad and discussed on "Experience of Ph.D. Research in HCI and the Issues Involved" on a high-tea meeting with the local HCI community.

The meeting was hosted by Cordys and was attended by HCI professionals from companies like CA, Convergys, Cordys, Cognizant, Glansa, Hitha, Kanbay, Microsoft, Oracle, Progress, Satyam, SIT, TCS, and Trina.

2006 - 06.18.

Continuing the efforts to bring all the UX groups operating at Hyderabad together, Convergys organized the second Hyderabad UX meet on May 22nd, 2006.

2006 - 05.24.

Its time to meet again as a continuation of monthly UX meets. Convergys is hosting this UX meet on 22nd May. All are invited to share their experiences and learn from each other.

  • Event Sponsor: Convergys
  • Date: 22nd May 2006
  • Venue: #543 HiTec City, Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500 081
  • Route map
2006 - 05.19.

UMO-1st World Usability Day event at Hyderabad, India

World Usability Day 2005, Hyderabad, India

World usability Day was celebrated on 3rd November at ISB auditorium, Hyderabad, India. November 3rd has been declared as the World usability day where organizations and practitioners all over the world engage in a campaign to create awareness of usability of products and services that we consume on a day-to-day basis.

2005 - 11.05.


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If your institute/organization willing to support this noble cause, please contact at affiliate[at]usabilitymatters[dot]org