The Bad-Designs Showcase

This is where you'll find the biggest collection of Bad Design examples from daily life!!!

The Bad Designs were collected over the years from the user submitted entries for the World Usability Day Contests under the name "Boycott Bad Designs".

  • Open to all
  • Display of selected Bad Design entries
  • Display of selected International Cartoons
  • 17th to 22nd (6days) September at State Art Gallery, Madhapur, Hyd, India
2009 - 07.30.

Most of us used to take delight in watching birds paying us a visit in our very own habitats during our childhood, when today's cities were still attractive enough for nature to cast its beautiful spell with changing seasons, colors, flowers and more. However, all such pleasures of nature are strangers to our cities now. It's something that we have done ourselves, still doing, depriving our younger generations of all such pleasure.

The greater irony is, we seek solace in the virtual worlds. Our bird song comes from MP3s, our greenery in screensavers. And tweet on the web mimicking nature. As we use these products, as we live a synthetic life, we need to think, rethink how our life is affecting our world, our Nature. As creative people, it's time we thought about how our creations, the products and services we create and we use impact our world.

Time we thought about how our design can be sustainable, something that matches the needs to the resources in the most effective way possible.

2009 - 07.29.

UMO-5th Boycott Bad Designs Contest’'09

UMO-5th Boycott Bad Designs Contest’'09

Announcement for the Bad Design Contest, here is a summary, and the details follow....

  • Open to everybody
  • No Limit on number of entries
  • No entry fee
  • Awards worth Rs 30,000/-
  • Deadline: September 7th, 2009
2009 - 07.18.

UMO-5th International Cartoon Contest'09

UMO-5th International Cartoon Contest'09

Announcement for the International Cartoon Contest, here is a summary, and the details follow....

  • Open to everybody
  • 5 entries per participant
  • No entry fee
  • Awards worth Rs 60,000/-
  • Deadline: September 7th, 2009
2009 - 07.18.

It's about making our world work better.

It's about "Making Life Easy" and user friendly.

Technology today is too hard to use. A cell phone should be as easy to access as a doorknob.
In order to humanize a world that uses technology as an infrastructure for education, healthcare, transportation,government, communication, entertainment, work and other areas, we must develop these technologies in a way that serves people first…

2008 - 11.11.

UMO 2008 Volunteers

UMO 2008 Volunteers

UMO requests you all who are willing to volunteer, to send across the following details to volunteer-at-usabilitymatters-dot-org:

Working Org.:
Personal Website/ Portfolio link:
Contact No.:

In the mail Subject pl mention either "WUD08 Remote Volunteer" - for people outside Hyderabad or " WUD08 Onsite Volunteer"-for people in Hyderabad.

Please send your details, and other queries to volunteer-at-usabilitymatters-dot-org

Working Team

UsabilityMatters.Org, Hyderabad

2008 - 10.07.

UMO-4th Boycott Bad Designs Contest'08

UMO-4th Boycott Bad Designs Contest'08

Announcement for the Bad Design Contest, here is a summary, and the details follow....

  • Open to everybody
  • No Limit on number of entries
  • No entry fee
  • Awards worth Rs 30,000/-
  • Deadline: November 10th, 2008

2008 - 09.15.

UMO-4th International Cartoon Contest'08

UMO-4th International Cartoon Contest'08

Announcement for the UMO – 4th International Cartoon contest, here is the summary, the details follow...

  • Open to everybody
  • 5 entries per participant
  • No entry fee
  • Awards worth Rs 60,000/-
  • Deadline: November 10th, 2008

2008 - 09.15.


Contact Us at "sponsor(at)usabilitymatters(dot)org" if you're interested in sponsoring.

Supported By

If your institute/organization willing to support this noble cause, please contact at affiliate[at]usabilitymatters[dot]org